Friday 20 November 2009


I watching BBC Four adaptation on Enid Blyton last night, starring Helena Bonham Carter as Enid. I thought she was perfectly cast, she's one of my favourite actresses I like the fact she's Gothic at heart and has a different persona in real life. It seems that a few of the Hollywood actresses only seem to play themselves and don't act at all. I also liked the fact, they didn't go overboard with the fashions, which can be tempting as its a period drama.
But it made me think why are all the great women, that history classes as being great or revolutionary were so damaged? Enid was deserted by her father, who she thought loved her the most. Is being emotional damaged, the key to everlasting fame? Marilyn Monroe, Bettie Paige, Virgina Wolfe, or Jenna Jameason, yes I included a pornstar, you can not fault the fact she has conquerored an aggressively male run field, with financial success. Or does it merely give you the resolve in your character to be the first?

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