Monday, 11 October 2010

Halloween Viewing - Demons

Another Poundland purchase, a Dario Argento film,

I must admit it started out with promise and then it dragged on, movie goers trapped in a cinema with Zombies, they proceed to find a way out of the cinema which has become magical sealed. They try and stop the movie, think it would save them, while I was thinking how about speed along the movie to find out how to stop the evil. It took them ages to find weapons, when their was a samurai sword in the foyer. Some drugged up youths got into the cinema, releasing a Zombie to cause havoc on the world. What was different about this movie, for its time, was that the evil wasn't stopped and the main female character you meet at the start dies, but she isn't the hero of the movie.

Plot extract from Wikipedia
The film begins when two young women receive tickets to a free film screening at The Metropol, a newly opened movie theatre in Berlin, Germany. When they arrive they discover that a large crowd has shown up for the screening and they sit down to watch the movie, a violent horror film. Out in the lobby a woman has scraped herself on the face with a bizarre mask, and she notices that the mask is the exact same as a prop used in the film. She goes to the bathroom, and as she looks in the mirror the cut on her face bursts open, spewing out a foul pus. She is soon transformed into a bloodthirsty, fanged demon. Before long the cinema patrons are forced to battle for their lives as one by one they are transformed into vicious monsters.

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